JeanIE Sallah
Hello ladies my name is Jeanie Sallah and I’m a Registered Yoga Teacher. I’d like to tell you a little bit about who I am and what I hope to share with you in the coming months. Originally I’m born and raised in Oakland, California but I’ve been based in Florida for the past fourteen years. Although I practiced off and on while living in California, I started my official yoga journey after moving here to North Florida. So fast forward some six years later and I officially jumped the broom in 2012, becoming certified to teach yoga.
A little about my background. After becoming certified in 2012, I knew that I wanted more knowledge finding inclusive ways to teach yoga, so I also obtained specialty certifications in Gentle and Chair Yoga. Why Gentle and Chair you may be wondering? Simple, it’s important to me that “Every Body” has the benefit of a fantastic yoga practice; regardless of the stage, age, shape, or size we’re in. I also went on to achieve another chair yoga certification from Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga, which is a specialized form of chair yoga. In addition, I’m “Yoga for All” certified and I’m a Christina Phipps Foundation (CPF), trained yoga instructor. The Christina Phipps Foundation is an incredible program that fosters the use of yoga as part of the restorative and rehabilitative process following breast cancer surgery.
The Christina Phipps Foundation (CPF), trains instructors to recognize that breast cancer surgery will often result in lingering pain and a reduced range of motion. Thus, they bring a gentle yoga approach to each of their students, all while remaining sensitive to individual limitations. Currently I teach in the Jacksonville, FL area. The locations are quite varied which keeps it pretty interesting, they range from the Jacksonville Public Library, two senior centers, a wonderful church, my private practices and the Mayo Clinic.
If I had to pick one word to describe my relationship with yoga it would be PASSIONATE! I’m truly passionate about the wellness opportunities yoga can provide. I’m passionate about the people it has the ability to help and I’m equally passionate about making my yoga classes accessible to all. My style of yoga teaches that there is no, “One Size Fits All” method of teaching. We are all uniquely different, with varying needs, so I never put my students in pre-ordered boxes.
“My Mission is to Make the Yoga Fit your Body
Not the Other Way Around”
So now that you know a little bit about me, I’d like to tell you what I’ll be doing for you as Gertrude’s House Yoga Consultant. Periodically, I’ll be offering yoga sequences that focus on your range-of-motion and flexibility. On occasion I may suggest breathing exercises and guided meditations to increase mental well-being, which has been shown to help with depression and anxiety. Meditation has also been proven to help lower blood pressure, reduce stress and improve the overall quality of life-all which are big Win-Win benefits in my book!
My goal is to inspire, guide and support the ladies of Gertrude’s House, so please take care and “Welcome to My World”. Peace!
Please follow this unique link for a practice focusing on the shoulders and arms. This practice can be done seated in a chair or cross legged on the floor.
Medical Disclaimer: Check with a medical professional before starting this or any exercise program for appropriateness. Tell your health care providers about yoga or any other health practices you use. The following poses are merely suggestions and are not a substitute for medical advice or direction.
Please start slowly. Don't build up too fast on your intensity or length of time exercising.
Where appropriate you may want to consider doing the poses with a certified trainer who can build up your activity level correctly.
If you’d like more information about me you can check me out on: